Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Start of a blog

it's a good catch
Feel like starting a blog (again) today, and it happens that I dont need to go through 10mins of setting up with bloggers, so here I am.
Anyway, I'm currentlt stuck here for the next 6 weeks for the an attachment. I think it
s great but a choice would've been better. I really love last year attachment, my team mate and my mentor, and the time was great (not to mention I got to take part in AFA08 as well). I hope this year would be as much enjoyable.
Aside the school work that's always piling up on me, I find quite the chunk of games I want to complete. Just finished 2 routes of Sharin no Kuni, Himwari no Shoujo the other day. It was a GREAT game, on par with fate and planetarian (sorry my library is still quite limited). Charater design and music is not superb like other brand I know but the storyline is just great. Too much philosophy I think, almost on the verge of meaning of life and stuff. But in general quite convincing and realistic, while still retaining the novelity and random funny. I wont give a sypnosis, you can find much better ones on google, but I guarantee I cant wait to play the fandisc, might as well start playing it with agth.
(sorry, too much math in my head)
Currently updating ai sp@ce, and even though I cant read half the menu I want to give it a try. Looking forward to AFA09 this weekend, the reason I've been saving on my meals all year.

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