Monday, December 7, 2009

Yume Miru Kusuri

interesting plot

After completing Cross+Channel it took me some time to move on to this next visual novel, Yume Miru Kusuri. It has been on my hard drive for more than a year but only till the last week I've started on the game. Thanks to my roommate sonximang recommendation, I set up hoping for another unorthodox storyline.

Well I kinda want a change of atmosphere halfway through the game. The plot is...erm unique in its own way, but it doesn't create a story with enough conflict and emotion for an outstanding game. That is to say, but the three main heroine routes are all very interesting and good to play, even though much more predictable than the last games I've played. They included the idea of pregnancy (hell I dont know where this come from), which is good for a H-game. It's not the only one I know of (I'm expecting the other one to come out too ). The story is painfully real, a bit too painful to read at times. Too bad it's a bit short with way too much H-scene. It's a good read in general, away from your typical school life romance, but way below excellence.

The art is quite nice from my point of view. I like the depiction of most characters except Mizuki's sprite, which is a bit emotionless at times. Again too much HCG. It contains about 3/4 HCG, which is useless for a normal playthrough.

The music is not superb, fitting to the scenarios at least, and convey some of the mood. I'm not gonna get the OST for this game. By the way I really hate how AkabeiSoft2 seperate the vocals from their Sharin no Kuni OST. Another way to rip off the fans.

That's it for this week. Hopefully I can finish Tsukihime soon and post some thoughts about it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sharin no Kuni and CROSS†CHANNEL

For the past few weeks, I've been doing nothing but reading these two. I must say they are both great works, especially in terms of plot (and I cant appreciate everything else). I never imagine I could get games of these qualities after Planetarian, Fate, CLANNAD and the like. Classics are generally better, now that games like Da Capo series are flushing the market, and there's a "anime bubble" bursting.
Enough of that crap, onto the review:

Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (車輪の国、向日葵の少女)

"I cannot afford to waste time making money"
"The Child is the father of the Man"
"What force is more potent than love?"
"I close my eyes in order to see"

What captivated me at first were these (thankfully for they are) quotes, from the translation site. Not popular, not popular at all and you probably have to google these quotes out. They suggested a deep and probably a bit philosophical touch to the story, which turns out to be true.

The story, sets in a probably future, with a distinct political system. Sheesh the background would probably sounds ridiculouly stupid to some friend of mine (ahem). Quite effectively, they imposed 'obligations' upon individuals who commited a crime and force them to rehabilitate. The story revolves around our main character, who is under training to become "Special High Class Individual", people who guides the people with 'obligations' back to society.

So as not to spoil you (the few reading this blog :)), I'll try and be general. The story is not smooth and calm, typical KEY, but continuosly flowing with emotion and conflict. For the first time I've seen a two time twist in each herioine route, and for someone literaturely challenged like me, it was very impressive and touching. Each story is unique in terms of progression and content, as well as how they fit into the large plot. Stereotypes moe characters are more than they seem to be, and would keep you interested until the final twist unveils.
my favorite heroine

The music is superb, from casual conversation to emotional to fast-paced scene. The vocals are great, but I do hate the fact that they kept them from the OST. Beautiful scores, especially piano.
The art, hmm I dont really like how the character are drawns, the coloring has too much contrast. The sprites are great, even for stupid side characters (...Sunohara anyone?).

In general, it's a great game that you really shouldn't miss, and I'm looking forward to the fandisc translation as well. I wanted to read the fandisc right away halfway through the game. After finishing the whole game, I've decided to wait so as not to spoil a great work by my lousy Japanese...

My vndbrating 10/10


Moving on to a phenomenon I called "stupid fan-like reasoning", which caused me to read CROSS CHANNEL as it's also by the same translation group, Amaterasu. It's got good review and rating, but I didn't get a special impression like Sharin no Kuni.
the casts

The story starts off quite boring, and I was about to complain about the sypnosis spoiling it, after getting through the first week. And there's my impatient attitude to blame as well. The story talks about our main protagonist at a school for 'individuals who can't fit in society'. It's enough for an interesting plot. On the surface, simple characters, obvious stereotypes and typical ending. However, the narration quickly reveal the nature of the protagonists, as a member of 'Gunjou Institute'. Trully dark, ominous and psychological paragraphs about his thoughts and feeling (I've a liking to psychology :D). Not to mention his overwhelmingly huge database of lame jokes. It almost matches Fate/SN for the quality of thoughts and descriptive language Like before, each route is unique and fit really well into the main plot, even though the emotion is not as well presented thorugh the protagonists.
get used to it. it happens a lot

Music is not as good as Sharin no Kuni, except for the 'creepy' tone. Generally, I feel the music are more simple (in terms of mixes and instruments) and light-hearted. Only one vocal and not a very touching one. The art is lighter, which I'd prefer, and the depictions, although not stressed on moeness, still delivers the characters in their finest.

It's a really good read, even though confusing at times. It's recommended for those facing emotional difficulties (ok this's a joke)
My vndb rating: 8/10

For a conclusion (spoilers), both novel talks about people in relation with others, depicting different angles that may be overlooked (intentionally or not). If you can tolerate Plato (the philosopher) and/or Chaos; Head(the anime/game), it shouldn't be a problem for you.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Anime Festival Asia 2009

もう一回。Yay, once again I am participating in Singapore Anime festival, AFA 09. This year the preparation looks bigger and better, pre-ordered tickets available (so no more queue :), official website with more info and more events...The tickets for 2 days, however, is painfully raised to 20S$

The first day, I left without my camera, so not much could be done, the results can be seen in my album. Basically it's retail day. After 5 minutes for the crowds to squeeze in, it's a battle for the merchandise. Thank goodness I'm not well-financed enough to take part in it. The products this year are better (I think) with the presence of cospa and more retail shops. After the first hour scanvaging for cheaper solutions, I've gotten the loot you see below.
My loot for this year

Includes 1 set of CLANNAD figures, 1 set of Fate plushie and 2 tin can badges (the touhou doujin was bought on the second day). This's the first time I'm seriously taking pictures of cosplayers. The change from last year is so vast that I cannot believe I'm still in Singapore. No longer the plain shounen, but more and more and more are coming into the big picture (thanks to the appearance of Kaname and the regional finals perhaps?)
a rare sight, given the context

Wow! A Touhou cosplayer! I later realize she's from Malyasia, supporting her team. It's not the only surprise of the day. In the afternoon, after meeting up with my friends I spotted more and more Touhou cosplayers around. Not only those, but series like Pandora Hearts and Little Busters as well (they are technically staff but nvm...). Take the next few hours walking around taking photos with the cast of touhou.
even though I never clear her last spell in the game

Some camwhoring and then I spotted the sight of the day.
This shot makes my day

On day two, generally I have nothing left on my agenda and I spent the morning with my friends taknig photos of the booth and figures on display. Saw Yuka with her umbrella (this is much better than the song). And guess what? On my way back I spotted Senjougahara and Nanoha.Great way to end the day. The only regret is that they couldn't cosplay Marisa cos of the wig
It was a great experience and really worths spending 20 bucks on the tickets. My greatest thanks goes to the Malaysian team cosplaying Touhou. Looking forward to next year.
P.S: I hope more ppl can join me on the first day's scavenger hunt

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Start of a blog

it's a good catch
Feel like starting a blog (again) today, and it happens that I dont need to go through 10mins of setting up with bloggers, so here I am.
Anyway, I'm currentlt stuck here for the next 6 weeks for the an attachment. I think it
s great but a choice would've been better. I really love last year attachment, my team mate and my mentor, and the time was great (not to mention I got to take part in AFA08 as well). I hope this year would be as much enjoyable.
Aside the school work that's always piling up on me, I find quite the chunk of games I want to complete. Just finished 2 routes of Sharin no Kuni, Himwari no Shoujo the other day. It was a GREAT game, on par with fate and planetarian (sorry my library is still quite limited). Charater design and music is not superb like other brand I know but the storyline is just great. Too much philosophy I think, almost on the verge of meaning of life and stuff. But in general quite convincing and realistic, while still retaining the novelity and random funny. I wont give a sypnosis, you can find much better ones on google, but I guarantee I cant wait to play the fandisc, might as well start playing it with agth.
(sorry, too much math in my head)
Currently updating ai sp@ce, and even though I cant read half the menu I want to give it a try. Looking forward to AFA09 this weekend, the reason I've been saving on my meals all year.